Allow me to reintroduce myself... My name is Ric!
Ok, so it's actually Eric. You caught me. My sister and younger cousins started to shorten everyone to a one syllabol name when they were younger, and I got Ric. Better than Err I suppose.
I enjoy all aspects of photography, and am always amazed at how much there is to learn even after all these years. I recently upgraded my dozen plus year old camera and have decided to start fresh. So the content may be a bit sparce for a while as I get out there and create new works.
My favorite things to photograph are people and animals. My strengths with human subjects are portraits and event photography. The one exception is weddings. I prefer to work in a lower stress environment. Wildlife photography has always been a passion of mine, and there is no shortage here in South Florida!

When I'm not shooting outdoors My Studio
I really prefer to work with the amazing natural light we have here in florida and reflect that if needed to intensify. Of course we know tht isn't always possible due to weather or other concerns. Sometimes you also just need some privacy for the type of shoot. In those cases I have an entire studio of lights, filters, drops and props. These can easily be loaded in my cart and brought to a shoot location or you can come to the studio.
Then you do what? Lightroom/Photoshop touch ups
I've been using Adobe tools to edit images for over 10 years. That experience helps me to quickly know what will and won't work and gives me more time to check the details.